Composition du Gouvernement Congolais en Exile:
Président Chef du Gouvernement: Name: Okito Tongomo, City: London, United Kingdom, Tel: 0044 7961325167; E-mail :; Twitter : @tongomo
Profile : Voici l’ homme sur qui reponse le development de notre pays la RDC
Qualify Lecturer in UK
- Lecturer in Westminster University
- Lecturer Walton University
- Schools & College Lecturer & Teacher
- Community Sponsor & Former Immigration Adviser
Other Jobs
- Congolese Support Group: Founder & President
- Elected Leader of DR Congolese in the Diaspora & Co-founder of DR Congolese Resistance Movement.
- Permanent UK Citizens Trustee
- Founder of Congo for Labour & Board Member of the Party
- Founder & Board Member of Congolese & Jewish Relationship
- Former President of Peace & Justice Commission Catholic Church
- Appointed Member of AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)
- Appointed Board Member of Institute for Global Change
- Hospital Oxy Man & Emergency Department Care Worker
- Own Personal Business
Education: (Greenwich University, Cambridge University, Queen Mary University and Middlesex University & Unaccomplished degree at the University of Kinshasa)
PGCE: In Education (Greenwich University) UK
MSc: International Politic and Law (Cambridge University) UK
LLB: Study International Dispute Resolution & Immigration (QM University) UK
BSc Honours Degree: Computer Science (Middlesex University) UK
Advanced High Diploma: Leadership & Andragogy (QM University) UK
Defending and Speaking for Voice less, Reading, Watching current affairs, Creating link, value sharing, urging justice and helping other Making difference & Accountability, Swimming & Football
Membre du Gouvernement
Commissaire spécial aux Affaires étrangères et Coopération Internationale
Name: Dieudonne Pengo Bokete, City: London, UK
Commissaire spécial chargé de la Défense et Sécurité
Name: Colonel Mohammed Kongolo, City: London UK Hollande (France Lion)
Commissaire spécial chargé de Congolais de la Diaspora et du retour au bercail.
Name: Father John (Nigeria) & John Ohombe, City: Nigeria/ ITALY/UK
Commissaire spécial chargé de l’Intérieure et reforme territoriale
Name: Betty Bopete, City: London UK assisted by second in Belgium
Commissaire spécial chargé des Finances
Name: Jules Lohadjola, City: Paris in France
Commissaire spécial chargé de l’information et Presse
Name: Herline Falanga, City: Manchester/ UK
Commissaire spécial chargé de l’Education Nationale et formations professionnelles
Name: Brad’or Itare, City: Dublin in Ireland
Commissaire spécial chargé de l’environnement et changement climatique
Name: Gloria Mayele (UK) & Jolie Macassa (Germany); City: UK & Germany
Commissaire spécial chargé de la Jeunesse et Intégration Sociale
Name: Maliki Kongolo, City: London UK
Commissaire spécial chargé de la Jeunesse et Sports
Name: Fabrice Mupay & Eso – Commandant, City: London UK/Belgium
Commissaire spécial chargé de la Santé Publique
Name: Dr Ignace Kilobo, City: London UK
Commissaire spécial chargé de Poste et Communications technologiques
Name: Placide Kibebe. City: Johannesburg, South Africa
Commissaire spécial chargé de la Justice et Droit de l’Homme
Name: Sylvin Mbuba, City: USA (California)
Commissaire spécial chargé du Commerce global
Name: Bienfait Gakona, City: Australia
Commissaire spécial chargé de la Culture arts et Tourisme
Name: Ondo Dikoko Webe, City: Johannesburg/ South Africa
Commissaire spécial chargé de l’agriculture et développement rural
Name: Charlene Kalonji & Chirelle Kalaki, City: London UK/ DR Congo
Commissaire spécial chargé de Transport National urbain contemporain
Name: Lufuluabo Beya Mike, City: Cardiff/UK
Commissaire spécial chargé de transport rural, fluvial et réseaux ferroviaires
Name: Prof Jules Ilunga, City: DR Congo (Kinshasa)
Commissaire spécial chargé de l’industrie Minérale.
Name: Johnny Kisesa, City: Scotland/uk
Commissaire spécial charge Petites et Moyennes entreprises
Name: Michel Lokombo Ndjovu, City: Johannesburg/ South Africa
Commissaire spécial chargé du plan
Name: Charles Asombo, City: Toronto, Canada
Commissaire spécial en chargé de l’économie national et du portefeuille
Name:Bubul Bulambu, City: Quebec/ Canada
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