Social Justice Movement


Congolese Support Group and Opposition, rights group demand investigation into Congo mass burialKabila Govt says 421 bodies buried overnight on March 19 (Should we know why???????)Congolese Support Group has taken serious action and we are calling for an immediate and independent investigation* Says bodies are unclaimed corpses and dead foetuses* Human Rights Watch says bodies may be those of protesters

DR Congo: Police Operation Kills 51 Young Men and Boys

(Kinshasa) – Police in the Democratic Republic of Congo summarily killed at least 51 youth and forcibly disappeared 33 others during an anti-crime campaign that began a year ago, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. “Operation Likofi,” which lasted from November 2013 to February 2014, targeted alleged gang members in Congo’s capital, Kinshasa.

Report Amnesty InternationalAmnesty International released a report warning that activists and protesters are arrested and are often denied access to their lawyer and family members. “Individuals in DRC have been arrested, prosecuted and convicted for exercising their human rights,” Evie Francq, Amnesty’s human rights researcher on DRC and author of the report, told IBTimes UK.

SOCO and WWF agree way forward on future activity in Virunga National Park (DRC)       Wednesday 11 June 2014

SOCO International plc (SOCO) has agreed with WWF in a joint statement to commit not to undertake or commission any exploratory or other drilling within Virunga National Park unless UNESCO and the DRC government agree that such activities are not incompatible with its World Heritage status. This was agreed jointly in mediation through the UK National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines.

 DR Congo crisis: when does this end after thousands flee their homes?

Tens of thousands of people in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have fled their homes amid an army offensive against Ugandan rebels, presenting fresh impetus to humanitarian agencies’ efforts to adapt their response mechanisms to sudden displacement.

US agrees to resettle 30,000 Congolese refugees from Tanzania

UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Representative Alvaro Rodriguez (R) and UNHCR Country Representative Joyce Mends-Cole (L) handing over domestic kits to one of the Burundian refugees in Nyarugusu Camp.

About 30,000 Congolese refugees will be relocated from the refugees’ camps in Tanzania to the United States of America this year as part of a regional resettlement strategy.

Republic of Congo deports thousands to neighbouring Congo for lack of immigration papers

People that have been deported from Congo, arrive by river boat in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Tuesday,April 29, 2014.

Officials say nearly 40,000 Congolese citizens have been deported from neighboring Republic of Congo.

DR C Punishing Asylum Seekers

The DR Congolese Ambassador Mr Barnabe Kikakay Bin Karibu raised the issue of the failed asylum seekers plight, he confirmed that all of those people saying they have come to this country as members of the former oppressive regime in the DR C, are here because UK have a good benefit system and having committed terrible crimes in this country have to be suitably punished when they return to the Congo. And he is the Ambassador who signs the deportation papers.

 Affaire fils Boshab, la Justice rdcongolaise à l’épreuve de son in dépendance

C’est un secret de polichinelle, la Justice rdcongolaise est l’une des plus corrompues et de plus caporalisées au monde. Elle obéit au doigt et à l’oeil du pouvoir Exécutif. Récemment cette Justice s’est encore illustrée par son incapacité à dire le bon droit dans le contentieux électoral de la présidentielle où elle n’a trouvé rien à redire sur les fraudes massives constatées un peu partout sur le territoire national. Elle a tout simplement reconduit tous les chiffres de la CENI. Cette foisci, c’est sur un tout autre registre qu’elle joue du peu de crédibilité qui lui reste encore.

Constitution congolaise : la lettre des évêques catholiques En RDC, après la mise en garde faite dans une déclaration solennelle en juin dernier, les princes de l’Eglise catholique de la République démocratique du Congo sont revenus à la charge. Cette foisci pour confirmer, dans des termes clairs et sans ambigüité, leur opposition farouche à toute démarche visant la modification ou le changement de la Constitution.

Les tueurs d’albinos : enquête sur un crime organise

En Afrique de l’Est, on tue ou l’on mutile les personnes souffrant d’albinisme, et certaines parties de leur corps sont utilisées pour fabriquer des fétiches un juteux business qui se chiffre en millions de dollars. Enquête sur les traces des chasseurs d’albinos en Tanzanie, pays qui compte le plus grand nombre d’albinos au monde. 

 Armand Tungulu, freedom activist, assassinated by Kabila regime in Congo

The African Socialist International (ASI) and Congolese Support Group (CSG) denounces the assassination of Armand Mudiandambu Tungulu by security forces of President Kabila on 1 October 2010 in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.

 Affaire Karake: l’incompréhension des familles des victimes

Le Rwanda s’est félicité ce mardi 11 août de l’abandon de la procédure d’extradition contre le chef des services secrets rwandais, Emmanuel Karenzi Karake. Le général avait été arrêté mi-juin à Londres, à la demande de l’Espagne, qui l’accuse notamment de « crimes de terrorisme » en lien avec la mort ou la disparition de neuf Espagnols au Rwanda au milieu des années 1990.

Political Commission of Congolese Support Group, has launched an international inquiry after the discovery of three mass graves at Kibumba in the embattled east, Chairman Okito Tongomo said on Monday

 Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Minister of Interior Richard Magenze Mans, Ugandas Minister of Disaster Preparedness Musa Ecweru and DRCs Country Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Stefano Severo exchange files during the signing of the tripartite agreement. 

Congo-Kinshasa: DRC Elections – Will Kabila Stay or Go?


The elections of July and October 2006 marked the end of a particularly dramatic decade in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). This included two wars (1996-1997 and 1998-2002) and a complex peace process which culminated in a transitional period with a delicate balancing act required between the different former armed groups

 Uganda, DRC agree to repatriate Congo refugees

 Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Minister of Interior Richard Magenze Mans, Ugandas Minister of Disaster Preparedness Musa Ecweru and DRCs Country Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Stefano Severo exchange files during the signing of the tripartite agreement.

 Timeline: Democratic Republic of CongoA chronology of key events:- 1200 Rise of Kongo empire, centred in modern northern Angola and including extreme western Congo and territories round lakes Kisale and Upemba in central Katanga (now Shaba).-1482Portuguese navigator Diogo Cao becomes the first European to visit the Congo; Portuguese set upties with the king of Kongo.

 Congolese Support Group, condemn seriously the continue of permanent human rights abuse and arbitrary killing by illegal President and international criminal Mr KabilaCongolese Support Group, condemn seriously the continue of permanent human rights abuse and arbitrary killing by illegal President and international criminal Mr Kabila, who is using his personal bodies guards to kill protesters, evidences are follow by elections, which were clear to any observer that the elections were not credible; Human Rights Watch found that at least 38, civilians were killed in electionrelated violence, the majority of these deaths occurred when Kabila’s presidential guards opened fire at a rally of opposition supporters in Kinshasa, the Capital of DR Congo.

Congolese refugees killed 

 More than 100 Congolese refugees killed in boat accident, Uganda says Kampala, Uganda (CNN) The death toll after from a boat accident on Lake Albert between Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo climbed to more than 100, Ugandan authorities announced Monday.

 Congolese Support Members protesters opposed to the DRC’s Joseph Kabila are picketing on the sidelines of the Mining Indaba in Cape Town, calling on investors to steer clear of the country’s mineral resourcesCongolese Support Members protesters opposed to the DRC’s Joseph Kabila are picketing on the sidelines of the Mining Indaba in Cape Town, calling on investors to steer clear of the country’s mineral resources.Congolese protesters who dispute the recent reelection of Joseph Kabila as president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) picketed on the sidelines of the Mining Indaba in Cape Town on Wednesday, calling on investors to steer clear of the country’s mineral resources.

Democratic Republic of the Congo at Crucial Crossroad
Washington – Speaking before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations February 26, Russell Feingold, the U.S. special envoy for theDemocratic Republic of the Congo and the Great Lakes region, said the region stands at a crossroads between peace and ongoing conflict.”The decisions that the Congo, the region and the international community take now will set the trajectory of the next several years in terms ofsecurity, good governance, and development,” he said.

Decision Secrete de Kampala Dans l’intérêt supérieur du pays et cela dans l’ordre d’une communication qui relate l’actualité dans le feu de son effectivité, il est impérieux que les 60.000.000 Congolais sachent que les négociations avec les M23 ont débouché aux décisions ci après:- Les 2 Kivu seront totalement contrôlés par le Rwanda avec un semblant de la force Congolaise ;- La douane va disparaître entre les Kivu et Le Rwanda ;- Les minerais et autres ressources de la terre sortiront du Rwanda 

DRC expels top UN official over abuse report UN human rights report says Congolese police summarily executed at least nine men in capital Kinshasa.

 A UN report said the Congolese National Police summarily executed at least nine men in Kinshasa [AP].

Democratic Republic of Congo has ordered the expulsion of the United Nations’ top human rights official in the country, a day after the global body released a report accusing Congolese police of executions during a crackdown on gangs.

Rwanda fuelling DR Congo rebellion UN report 28 May 2012The United Nations says it has evidence that a rebellion in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo is being fuelled by recruits and support from neighbouring Rwanda. The BBC has seen an internal UN report which accuses Rwanda of complicity in supplying weapons and soldiers to the rebels in DR Congo. The BBC’s Gabriel Gatehouse reports from eastern DR Congo. Rwandans trained to fight in DR Congo: UNreport. 

RUSS FEINGOLD MAY RUN FOR SENATE AGAINST RON JOHNSONReports out of Wisconsin indicate former Senator Russ Feingold may resign from his position at the State Department and potentially run for the Senate against Republican Ron Johnson.Roger Putnam of NBC 15 said Wednesday, “I’ve gotten it from two sources that former Senator Russ Feingold has resigned from his State Department position, which puts him in position to run against Ron Johnson.” 

CSG : Special DR Congolese day of reflexion

The criminal of Mr Kabila Alias Kanambetime isover(2016)Mr Kabila Alias Kanambe is about to change ourcountry constitution

Human Right Abuse included Hostilities is growingwith Mr Kabila alias Kanambe Illegal regime

CongoKinshasa: Security Council Authorizes YearLong Mandate Extension for United Nations

 The Security Council today extended the mandate of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) until 31 March 2015. Unanimously adopting resolution 2147 (2014), the Council decided that the renewed mandate would also include MONUSCO’s Intervention Brigade ” on an exceptional basis and without creating a precedent or any prejudice” within the authorized troop ceiling of 19,815 military personnel, 760 military observers and staff officers, 391 police personnel and 1,050 formed police units.

Election 2011: Le bilan des tensions à Kinshasa s’alourdit: environ 15 morts et 40 blessés Les reporters de Radio Okapi ont pu identifier, ce dimanche 27 novembre, une dizaine de morts et une quarantaine de blessés dans quelques structures médicales de Kinshasa. La Police nationale congolaise (PNC) elle, a parlé de trois personnes tuées lors les échauffourées qui ont marqué la fin, samedi, de la campagneélectorale dans la capitale congolaise.

 House of Lords addresses Congo election irregularities

Published on Thursday, 12 January 2012 14:40

Yesterday, the House of Lords took up the issue of the flawed elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the ongoing violence in the east of the country.

To ask Her Majesty’s Government what action they are taking in response to reports of violence in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo following recent elections.Scandal In DR Congo

 Ce reportage de Kinshasa :Un Kuluna tabassé à mort par la population justice ou sauvagerie?The Congolese army on Thursday battled Ugandan Rebels of the ADFNalu who occupied the Kamango area inNorth Kivu province (EAST DRC) APA can report from a UN source.The fighting which started at 5am local time(3h universal time) lasted all day long but the ADFNalu(Allied Democratic Force, National army for the Liberationof Uganda) finally withdrew from the locality, carrying with them some hostages, the source said.

 CongoKinshasa:Security Council Authorizes YearLong Mandate Extension for United NationsThe Security Council today extended the mandate of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) until 31 March 2015.Unanimously adopting resolution 2147 (2014), the Council decided that the renewed mandate would also include MONUSCO’s Intervention Brigade ” on an exceptional basis and without creating a precedent or any prejudice” within the authorized troop ceiling of 19,815 military personnel, 760 military observers and staff officers, 391 police personnel and 1,050 formed police units.


A young man set himself on fire in Boma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and becomes a martyr of the Congolese Revolution

 Cedrick Nianza speaks out from the hospital where he lived for five days after setting himself on fire to dramatize Congo’s desire to govern itself and control its own wealth and destiny


Reports out of Wisconsin indicate former Senator Russ Feingold may resign from his position at the State Department and potentially run for the Senate against Republican Ron Johnson.


DRC Asylum Seekers Face ‘torture With Discretion’ if Removal From UKA top-secret document circulating among senior police and security chiefs in the Democratic Republic of Congo suggests that individuals deported from Britain may face torture on their return to their home country.

 August « Africa Today blogafricaptv.wordpress.com/2010/08/-Cached2-Okito TongomoChair, Congolese Support Group. Description: Tens of thousands of people in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have fled their

Migrants to rally in London 4 May 2009 | Immigration Matterswww.immigrationmatters.co.uk/migrants-tp-rally-in-london-4-may-…-CachedSimilar2 posts – Last post: 4 May 2009Okito Tongomo(Chair Congolese Support Group); Adam Komarnicki (Federation of Poles). Darren Johnson, Chair of London Assembly.

UK Indymedia – Demonstrations at Directions Hearing for Country…


12 Apr 2007 –Okito Tongomo: 07961 325167. Organised by: Congo Support Project and supported by others, including Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!

  1. CITIZENS ASSEMBLY 2010 PART 3 – YouTubewww.youtube.com/watch?v=em16JPQ2abg11 min-26 Sep 2010-Uploaded by cinekongo
    Sign In or Sign Up now! Alert icon. Uploaded by cinekongo on Sep 26, 2010. Citizens Assembly May 2010,Okito Tongomo, Gordon Brown
  2. bonitongomoet jean marie kassamba dans drc time -1‏ – YouTubewww.youtube.com/watch?v=uqbkIDJD3209 min-1 Jan 2010-Uploaded by bukavu1
    bonitongomo– drc time avec mrokito2by bukavu1843 views · Thumbnail 10:13. Add to. Jean Marie Kasamba et Frank Akyl, Cinq
    More videos forokito tongomo»
  3. CinePolitics Playerwww.imafilm.com/cinepolitcs_146.html-CachedOkito Tongomois chairman of the Congolese Support Group; Ian Haydn Smith is editor of the International Film Guide. First broadcast on Press TV: 4th
  4. bonitongomo– drc time avec mrokito2 -[Translate this page]www.francetudiant.com ›Vidéos étudiantesCachedbonitongomo– drc time avec mrokito.bonitongomo– drc time avec mrokito. Commentaires sur cette vidéo. Recherche sur YouTube
  5. bonitongomo– drc time avec mrokito2 Vidéos de Bukavu1 -[Translate this page]mikili.co/…/boni-tongomo-drc-time-avec-mr-okito-2-video_373fe4…-Cachedbonitongomo– drc time avec mrokitobonitongomo– drc time avec mrokito2. Bukavu1. Actuellement 0.00/5; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5. Note : 0.0 sur 0 votes
  6. Africa Today blogafricaptv.wordpress.com/-Cached23 Sep 2010 -2-Okito TongomoChair, Congolese Support Group. Description: Tens of thousands of people in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have
  7. How Cameron fell out of love with his citizen organiserswww.guardian.co.uk/…/2011/feb/…/citizens-uk-big-society-coalitio…-Cached14 Feb 2011 –Okito TongomoCongo Support Group * Matt Plen Assembly of Masorti Synagogues * Kaneez Shaid Sir George Monoux School
  8. bonitongomo– drc time avecokito1 -[Translate this page]thetrailersbay.com/watch.php?type=youtube&v=fW9feP7Edb4-Cachedbonitongomo– drc time avecokitobonitongomo– drc time avecokito1.Video, Un Congolais Injurie le journaliste en Direct – BoniTongomo,
  9. EVENT: The Series, hosted by Amnesty International – What next forstudenthubs.org/node/6282-Cached2 Mar 2011 -Our speakers this week: * Vava Tampa: Executive Director of ‘Save the Congo’ *Okito Tongomo: Chair of the Congolese support group
  10. [PDF]Bail for Immigration Detaineeswww.biduk.org/download.php?id=10File Format:PDF/Adobe Acrobat –View as HTML
    Mundele, Emmanuelle Caucci, Tony Goodfellow,Okito Tongomo,. Raj Anwar, Jayne-May Sullivan, Rebecca Vanstone, Davan Holt,. Harriet Short, Tristran Smith,
    1. o Tongomo(Chair Congolese Support Group); Adam Komarnickiwww.immigrationmatters.co.uk/…/okitotongomo-chair-congolese-s…-CachedSimilarThousands march in London for illegal immigrant regularisation. The annual Mayday march’ from Westminster Cathedral was organised by ‘Strangers into
    2. Anti-deportation campaignwww.congosupportproject.co.uk/news_44254.html-Cached28 Mar 2007 -Contact: Liz Atherton – 07931 524654 /Okito Tongomo– 07961 325167. Supported by: APARECO – COCORICO – Congolese Rights – DIASPORA – FONUS
    3. Trustees | Citizens UKwww.citizensuk.org ›AboutCachedSt William of York – Forest Hill;Okito TongomoCongo Support Group; Matt Plen Assembly of Masorti Synagogues; Kaneez Shaid Sir George Monoux School
    4. bonitongomo– drc time avec mrokito2‏ – YouTubewww.youtube.com/watch?v=hIYOQNObBuM11 min-1 Jan 2010-Uploaded by bukavu1
      Add to. Share. Loading… Alert icon. Sign In or Sign Up now! Alert icon. Uploaded by bukavu1 on Jan 1, 2010. bonitongomo– drc time avec mr
    5. bonitongomo– drc time avecokito1‏ – YouTubewww.youtube.com/watch?v=fW9feP7Edb410 min-1 Jan 2010-Uploaded by bukavu1
      Add to. Share. Loading… Alert icon. Sign In or Sign Up now! Alert icon. Uploaded by bukavu1 on Jan 1, 2010. bonitongomo– drc time avec
      More videos forokito tongomo»
    6. Okito Tongomo– UK address and phone number – 192.comwww.192.com ›AZ-PeopleSurname – TongomoCachedWe have found 1 people in the UK with the nameOkito Tongomo. Click here to find personal data aboutOkito Tongomoincluding phone numbers, addresses,
    7. As Illegal Immigrants Rally in London to Demand Their Right towww.nigeriafilms.com/content.asp?contentid=4942…14-Cached2 posts – 1 author – Last post: 14 May 2009Okito Tongomo(Chair Congolese Support Group); Adam Komarnicki (Federation of Poles); and Darren Johnson, Chair of the London Assembly.
    8. MROKITO TONGOMO– Companies In The UKwww.companiesintheuk.co.uk/…/Find?…-CachedResults 1 – 10 of 417552 for person MROKITO TONGOMO3. ESTHER OKITO. 39 TROUTBECK ROAD MANAGEMENT LIMITED
    9. OKITO TONGOMOcommented on: UN should investigate now and arrestwww.gopetition.com/petition-comment.php?cid=4547088-Cached1 Dec 2008 -We call on the UN to start a serious process of investigation and mandate to arrest the actual criminal, incompetents and dangerous DR
    10. Okito TongomoLondon Citizens: Executive Profileonesourcesales.com/free/OkitoTongomo/People/…/47059350-51-CachedGet professional information onOkito Tongomofrom London Citizens and millions of other executives using the OneSource Free Directory.
    1. CITIZENS ASSEMBLY 2010 PART 1 – YouTubewww.youtube.com/watch?v=plawfjW_ssA11 min-25 Sep 2010-Uploaded by cinekongo
      Citizens Assembly May 2010, Testimony,Okito Tongomo& Nick Clergboni tongomo – drc time avec okito 1by bukavu11100 views
    2. CITIZENS ASSEMBLY 2010 PART 2‏ – YouTubewww.youtube.com/watch?v=IoN673-Zya411 min-26 Sep 2010-Uploaded by cinekongo
      Citizens Assembly May 2010,Okito Tongomoiinterview, Gordon BrownAdded to queue boni tongomo – drc time avec mr okito 2by
      More videos forokito tongomo»
    3. www.congolesesupportgoup.org – Newscongolesesupportgroup.org/page9.htm-Cached9 Jul 2011 -The Congolese Support Group’s Chair MrOkito Tongomoand all the directors will be there to discuss with you about many issues such
    4. Medias – www.congolesesupportgoup.org – Newscongolesesupportgroup.org/page8.htm-Cached9 Jul 2011 -The Congolese Support Group’s Chair MrOkito Tongomoand all the directors will be there to discuss with you about many issues such
    5. MROKITO TONGOMO| levelwww.levelbusiness.com/doc/person/uk/15049546-CachedMROKITO TONGOMO. Nationality. DR CONGOLESE. Date of Birth. Withheld. Age. Withheld years. Occupation. TEACHER. Address. 30 ELLISTON HOUSE WELLINGTON STREET
    6. [PDF]7 UK protests – Wed 28th March Against Deportation to DR Congowww.sacc.org.uk/sacc/resources/7DRCdemosV3r.pdfSimilarFile Format:PDF/Adobe Acrobat –Quick View
      Project – Liz Atherton: 07931 524654;Okito Tongomo: 07961 325167. Supported by Pasteur Jean Bosco: 07960 034384; APARECO – Amisi
    7. 9 DEMONSTRATIONS EN GRANDE-BRETAGNE CE 12/04/07 – RESISTANCEresistancecongo.afrikblog.com ›Messages avril 2007CachedSimilar12 Apr 2007 -Contact Liz Atherton 07931 524654;Okito Tongomo07961 325167. Birmingham – 12.00 noon. Sandford House, 41 Homer Road, Solihull, West
    8. UK Indymedia – 7 Demonstrations Against Deportations to DR Congowww.indymedia.org.uk/en/2007/03/365846.html-Cached22 Mar 2007 -Contact: Liz Atherton – 07931 524654 /Okito Tongomo– 07961 325167. Supported by: APARECO – COCORICO – Congolese Rights – DIASPORA – FONUS
  11. [PDF]excerpts from the book – University of Surreywww.surrey.ac.uk/cronem/files/053021E2d01.pdfFile Format:PDF/Adobe Acrobat –View as HTML
    Ngalula Kassanda, Mao Zakuani, Raphaël Gay Massala, Dr Dadou Kalambay, M. Yosua,Okito.Tongomo, Kanyinda Tshomba, Victor Bantu, Jean Marc Lukela,
    1. www.immigrationmatters.co.uk/tag/okitotongomo…of…/feed-Cached4 May 2009 –Okito Tongomo(Chair Congolese Support Group); Adam Komarnicki (Federation of Poles). Darren Johnson, Chair of London Assembly.

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